Theatre Project Opportunity on April 28th

We have been fortunate in being offered an opportunity to take part in a village hall theatre project led by the talented local playwright Angela Dandy and the well known local actress Jane Grafton.

The aim of the project, which is only being offered to two village halls in the area, is to involve the local community in the development and production of a play which maximises local appeal.

There will be a discussion/workshop to exchange ideas with Angela and Jane and to form the basis of a plan on how to take this forward.

All are welcome to join us in the village hall on the evening of 28 April.

Theatre Night Saturday 14th May

Giles Shenton returns on Saturday 14th May in ’Three Men in a Boat’. He gave us an excellent performance of ‘Old Herbaceous’ back in October and we are delighted to be able to welcome him back.

Tickets will be £10 and available online and from the Community Shop from the beginning of April.

Quiz Night April 9th

Our ever popular quiz returns on April 9th. Entry will be for teams of up 6 people and there will be a chilli supper (meat or veg) provided within the ticket price of £10. There’ll be a maximum of ten teams so sign up soon.

Lis Ribbans will be our quiz master once again and tickets are available at the Community Shop.

Postponement of Quiz Night

Many of you will have been looking forward to the Village Hall quiz night due to be held 19th November but regrettably the trustees have decided to postpone it until February. The reason being the significant increase in coronavirus positive cases in the local area and we would not want to expose anybody to the risk of infection

We hope this wretched pandemic will have receded by February and we can all have a great time as usual at the quiz night

'Old Herbaceous' comes to Ilmington

Ilmington Village Hall is proud to present the ever popular and widely acclaimed play Old Herbaceous, starring Giles Shenton. Performed at the Edinburgh Festival and to sell out audiences across the country, it is the story of an Edwardian head gardener which will keep you engrossed, amused and emotionally engaged from start to finish and hopefully leave you with a feeling that all is right with the world. It will be performed for one night only on 11th September and tickets are available at £10 from Ilmington Community Shop or here

Village Hall AGM - Wednesday 19th May 7:00pm

We will be holding our AGM on Wednesday 19th May at 7:00pm.
Social distancing and hand sanitising measures will be in place to ensure a safe environment but should villagers prefer to join via Zoom, a link can be obtained by emailing our treasurer.
Please come along or join us on Zoom and support this vital volunteer run village amenity.
To read the Chair's report before the meeting please click here.
If you can help with the promotion and organising of events we'd love to hear from you either at the meeting or you can email or call Bryan Clifford, our chairman, on 682996.