Mission Statement

This Village Hall is held in Trust for the use of the inhabitants of Ilmington and its immediate vicinity. Its use is for meetings, education, recreation and leisure occupations with the object of improving the conditions of life in the above area of benefit.

The Charity: The Hall is a registered charity and is vested with the Official Custodian of Charities. The Management Committee (Trustees) are responsible for the running of the organisation.

The Trustees: These consist of up to 12 elected members appointed from user groups of the hall with aims of a social, recreational or educational character (the Trustees have the power to co-opt up to two members within that number). Committee meetings are held at least four times a year, plus an AGM usually in May or June.

The Property: The management and control of the Trust premises and land and the arrangements for their use is vested in the Management Committee.

Further information is available from the Trustees – current details on the Hall Noticeboard

For the list of Hall committee members and to find out more about how our amenity is run, click here